Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Panama Canal Political Cartoon Analysis

I think the issue here is that Theodore Roosevelt is digging the Panama Canal. I can see that because he is digging straight through an area near Bogota. I think the cartoonist message is that Roosevelt is digging a canal for U.S. ships to pass through with European countries having a treaty to pass through. I can see this because a European soldier has a flag that says new treaty and that American and European ships want to pass through. Others could say that the person holding the flag that says new treaty could be from Bogota and have a deal for building in their country. I can see this because the person is close to Bogota. Exaggeration is present in this political cartoon because Roosevelt is not that big in real life. This supports my opinion on American Imperialism because imperialism can have many benefits like the Panama Canal.

4N.p., n.d. Web.

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