Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Panama Canal Political Cartoon Analysis

The issue that is present in this political cartoon is if Roosevelt can pull off one of the greatest construction projects. I can see that because they are struggling and it says “Too big for them”. The author’s message is that Roosevelt cannot pull of the stunt. I say this because it says it is too big for them. Other people will probability say that he cannot do it in his presidency term. The author uses exaggeration. I know this because Roosevelt was not the one to actually dig the Panama Canal. This supports my opinion on American imperialism because we not have the Panama Canal today if the U.S. did not want to expand its territory and influence.
N.p., n.d. Web.

Annexation of Hawaii Political Cartoon Analysis

This political cartoon is about the annexation of Hawaii. I know this because Uncle Sam has claimed the Hawaiian Islands. The author’s message is that America is keeping Hawaii from the other countries. I say this because it looks like Uncle Sam is rejecting the other countries. Other people might think that Uncle Sam is claiming the Hawaiian Islands first then letting other countries come over because it says at the bottom that he tells the other countries to stay back while he tries the Hawaiian Islands. The author is using exaggeration and symbolism. I say this because the other people represent their own country and that the people here are not actually that big. This supports my opinion on American imperialism because America would have gained more territory then would have if the U.S. did not expand its territory.
8.N.p., n.d. Web.

Purchase of Alaska Political Cartoon Analysis

The issue this political cartoon is about is the purchase of Russian America (Alaska) from Russia. I can see this because congress is obtaining Russian American through the treaty. The author’s message is that Russian American is a great deal. I say this because it says at the bottom that they will cool down the congressional majority which means it will be good. Other people could form an opinion that the purchase is a waste. I can see this view point because it looks like they are hauling a large piece of rock that could be bad. The author used labeling. I can see this because the cart and the rock is labeled. Also this supports my opinion on American imperialism because we gained Alaska from Russia which turned out to have a lot of resources like gold and oil.
7N.p., n.d. Web.

Monroe Doctrine Political Cartoon Analysis

This political cartoon is about Roosevelt protecting the western hemisphere using the Monroe Doctrine. I can see this because there is a cannon that has the Monroe doctrine on it and it is targeting the European Kings. The author’s message is that Roosevelt is a guardian over Cuba and will defend it. I say this because Roosevelt is aiming at the European King because he had disrupt Cuba. Others might say that Roosevelt is defending the western hemisphere like a policeman. The author used an analogy. This is true because Cuba is like a crying child and Europe is like the bully. Also America is like the child’s protector. This supports my opinion on American imperialism because now the U.S. has power and global influence and is able to defend the western hemisphere.
6Wikipedia. Wikimedia Foundation, n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.

Open Door Policy Political Cartoon Analysis

The issue this political cartoon is about is America keeping the Open Door Policy. I can tell this because there is a brick that says U.S. army which means the U.S. army is help keeping the Open Door Policy from being violated. The author’s message on this political cartoon is that the U.S. army and America are enforcing the Open Door Policy. I say this because there is a brick that labels U.S. army holding the door. Other people might think that the U.S. army is securing the Open Door Policy. I think other people will think this because the brick is the U.S. army and Uncle Sam is also helping keep that door closed. The present techniques are Analogy and Labeling because the brick is like a door stopper keeping the door open like the U.S. army and navy is protecting the Open Door Policy. Also the brick is labeled as the U.S. arm and navy. This supports my opinion on American imperialism because it allows America to spread its influence among other countries like China.

5N.p., n.d. Web.

Panama Canal Political Cartoon Analysis

I think the issue here is that Theodore Roosevelt is digging the Panama Canal. I can see that because he is digging straight through an area near Bogota. I think the cartoonist message is that Roosevelt is digging a canal for U.S. ships to pass through with European countries having a treaty to pass through. I can see this because a European soldier has a flag that says new treaty and that American and European ships want to pass through. Others could say that the person holding the flag that says new treaty could be from Bogota and have a deal for building in their country. I can see this because the person is close to Bogota. Exaggeration is present in this political cartoon because Roosevelt is not that big in real life. This supports my opinion on American Imperialism because imperialism can have many benefits like the Panama Canal.

4N.p., n.d. Web.

Annexation of Hawaii Political Cartoon Analysis

The issue is that Liliuokalani is trying to sell the ownership of Hawaii. I see that because the Hawaiian Queen is trying to sell a crown and that the crown usually represent leadership over a country. The cartoonist message is that Liliuokalani ownership is not worth anything because the U.S had annexed the Hawaiian Islands and now that she has no control of it. I can see this because the pawnbroker says that he would accepted it before it was annexed by the U.S. but now he does not accept it because Liliuokalani lost control of it. I think other people would suggest that the U.S has annexed most of Hawaii and now that she can’t sell those islands. The author used labeling and symbolism. I can tell this because part of her clothes has the word “Liliuokalani” and also her crown represents leadership of the Hawaiian Islands.
"Historical Political Cartoons About Hawaii - Hawai'i Digital Newspaper Project." Historical Political Cartoons About Hawaii - Hawai'i Digital Newspaper Project. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Feb. 2016.